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Practice Makes Perfect

BLOG - Grandmaster Gedo Chang

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Practice Makes Perfect

Rank Test Lecture by Grandmaster Gedo Chang August 17, 2018

I would like to play a part of Vladimir Horowitz Mozart piano concerto #23. (He is the most famous piano player in the world.) Please listen Vladimir Horowitz is a Russian born American classical pianist. He is also well known as a composer. In his piano performance I partically love his colorful and detailed skills which touches the audiences heart strings and excites them! He was born in 1903 and died in 1989 at the age of 86. 

Three Warriors

BLOG - Grandmaster Gedo Chang

createasoft 0 398 Article rating: No rating

There lived 3 very famous warriors in a small village. The people in the village wondered who was the best warrior among these three. So the village chief organized a meeting to discuss how they could find the best warrior among these three. The result of the meeting was as follows.
